
AbstractMany lakes in mountain regions have been used for hydropower generation since the 1950s. It has been estimated that as many as 79% of the rivers in the Alps have been affected by the presence of hydropower plants. In this context, the shutting down of hydropower plants on a group of Alpine lakes represented a good opportunity to study the ecological impact on them. We selected nine lakes that had been affected and nine that had not, and analysed the differences in environment, littoral diatoms and zoobenthos, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish. Results showed that benthic biota -diatoms and zoobenthos- were the most affected by water-level drawdown during winter months. Even six years after the end of hydroelectric operations, diatom species richness and diversity were lower in impacted lakes. Assemblage structure was different for both diatoms and zoobenthos. Phytoplankton and zooplankton were similar in impacted and unaffected lakes in terms of both species richness (and diversity) and assemblage structure. The degree of impact on fish was unclear because illegal stocking of lakes with allochthonous fish species had taken place. This study showed that compared to limnetic biota, littoral communities were the most affected by the decrease in water volume every winter. Six years after the end of hydroelectric operations, diatoms, and to lesser extent zoobenthos, were still different compared to those in natural (unaffected) lakes. Planktic communities seem to be either more resistant to the disturbances, or else able to recover more quickly to their former condition.

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