
This paper deals with the application of the electron and proton microprobe (EPMA and micro-PIXE) in order to determine major and trace elements in metamorphic garnet samples. The selected garnet samples come from a metapelitic rock belonging to the tectonic unit of Monte Rosa Nappe (Italy). Quantitative spot analysis profiles and compositional X-ray maps of both major and trace (yttrium) elements are reported. Major elements show a smoothed and continuous compositional zoning characterized by concentric variations from core to rim. Yttrium displays a strong enrichment in the core and a flat pattern at the rim. No correlation is shown between major and yttrium distribution. Only a rough correlation may be supposed with manganese. A good agreement was found between EPMA and micro-PIXE yttrium data, for values higher than 80–100 ppm. For lower values micro-PIXE technique is strongly recommended. The combination of X-ray two-dimensional maps and quantitative microanalyses allowed to evaluate the distribution of major and trace elements in a petrologically significative rock-forming mineral, to define the type of the chemical zoning and finally to attest difference in diffusivity between major and trace elements. Because of the slow diffusivity of yttrium, its quantitative determination in garnets is fundamental to reconstruct the temperature path suffered by polymetamorphic garnet-bearing rocks.

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