
Abstract Introduction: Episiotomy is an incision through the perineum made to enlarge the diameter of the vulvae outlet and assist childbirth. As it is noted that long-term complications after episiotomy repair are com-mon so that I used vicryl which is polyglactin and it causes less tissue reaction and is absorbed by hydro-lysis in comparison of vicryl in comparison of vicryl rapide chromic catgut is manufactured from collagen and causes an inflammatory response into the tissues as it is broken down by proteolytic enzymes and pha-gocytosis. There is controversy in results which is bet-ter suture material. That is why we designed this study to compare vicryl rapide and chromic catgut. Objectives: The objective of my study is to compare the frequency of analgesia requirement in primigra-vidas undergoing episiotomy repair with Chromic Cat-gut versus Vicryl Rapide. Methodology: This study was conducted at the Depa-rtment of Obstetrics And Gynaecology, Unit-II, Servi-ces Institute of Medical Sciences / Services Hospital Lahore for duration of 6 months after approval of syn-opsis. Total 100 cases were included in the study thro-ugh Non probability, consecutive sampling from lab-our room 2 of department of obstetrics & gynaecology, SIMS Lahore. After taking informed consent and dem-ographic details, patients were divided randomly in two equal groups through lottery method. In group A, episiotomy was stitched with Vicryl rapide and in gro-up B the episiotomy was stitched with chromic catgut by researcher herself. Requirement of analgesia was noted (as per operational definition). All this proce-dure was noted on a pre-designed proforma (attached). Data was analyzed using SPSS version 17. Mean ± SD was calculated for age and gestational age. Frequency and percentage was calculated for analgesia require-ment. Chi-Square test was applied to compare freque-ncy of analgesia requirement. P value <0.05 was con-sidered as significant. Results: Total 100 patients presented in this study. Out of 100 patients the mean age of vicryl rapide gro-up was noted as 24.72 ± 2.33 years, similarly the mean age of Chromic Catgut group was noted as 24.76 ± 2.60 years. The mean gestational age of the patients were noted as 38.07 ± 1.31 weeks. The mean gesta-tional age of vicryl rapide group was noted as 37.96 ± 1.36 weeks and the mean gestational age of Chromic Catgut group was noted as 38.19 ± 1.27 weeks. Out of 100 patients 50 (50%) required analgesic treatment. Out of 50 patients only 1 (2%) patient required analge-sic treatment on day 7 from Vicryl rapide group and 49 (98%) appeared from chromic catgut group, while out of 50 patients who do not require this treatment 49 (98%) appeared from vicryl rapide group and 1 (2%) appeared from chromic catgut group. Statistically there is highly significant difference between the study gro-ups i.e. p-value = 0.000*. Conclusion: This study concluded that vicryl rapide was the ideal suture material for episiotomy repair, which resulted in less pain and a better wound healing. Key Words: Episiotomy, Vicryl Rapide, Chromic Catgut, infection, pain, analgesia .

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