
The qualitative relationship between carcinogenicity and mutagenicity (DNA-damaging activity), based on chemicals which are known to be or suspected of being carcinogenic to man and/or to experimental animals, is analyzed using 532 chemicals evaluated in Volumes 1-25 of the IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans. About 40 compounds (industrial processes) were found to be either definitely or probably carcinogenic to man, and 130 chemicals have been adequately tested in rodents and most of them also in various short-term assays. For a comparison between the carcinogenicity of a chemical and its behavior in short-term tests, systems were selected that have a value for predicting carcinogenicity. These were divided into mutagenicity in (A) the S. typhimurium/microsome assay, (B) other submammalian systems and (C) cultured mammalian cells; (D) chromosomal abnormalities in mammalian cells; (E) DNA damage and repair; (F) cell transformation (or altered growth properties) in vitro. The following conclusions can be drawn. In the absence of studies in man, long-term animal tests are still today the only ones capable of providing evidence of the carcinogenic effect of a chemical. The development and application of an appropriate combination of short-term tests (despite current limitations) can significantly contribute to the prediction/confirmation of the carcinogenic effects of chemicals in animals/man. Confidence in positive tests results is increased when they are confirmed in multiple short-term tests using nonrepetitive end points and different activation systems. Assays to detect carcinogens which do not act via electrophiles (promoters) need to be developed. The results of a given short-term test should be interpreted in the context of other toxicological data. Increasing demand for quantitative carcinogenicity data requires further examination of whether or not there is a quantitative relationship between the potency of a carcinogen in experimental animals/man, and its genotoxic activity in short-term tests. At present, such a relationship is not sufficiently established for it to be used for the prediction of the carcinogenic potency of new compounds.

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