
The adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) a well-known musculoskeletal problem that affects more women and diabetic population. The restriction is in capsular pattern used to limit the daily activities of the population. Objective: To study the effectiveness of Muscle energy technique and Maitland mobilization technique on the pain, range of motion and disability index in the patients with adhesive capsulitis. Method and subjects: This quasi-experimental study consists of 30 subjects including both males and females between 40-60 years, already diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis were selected. The sample was collected using a nonprobability convenient sampling method and was assigned groups (A or B) with 15 subjects each. Group A received a moist pack for 15 minutes, active ROM exercises, and Muscle Energy Technique (MET). Group B received a moist pack for 15 minutes, active ROM exercises, and Maitland mobilization. Both the groups were treated 2 times a week for 2 weeks and were told to continue the exercises at home. All the subjects were measured for pain and disability by SPADI, and ROM using a goniometer on 1st day on the 15th day after treatment. Result: There were 20 (66.6%) male and 10(33.4%) female participants. There was significant improvement at post-treatment levels in pain and ROM and SPADI in both groups. Although ROM improvement and pain reduction was improved in both groups but statistically significant (p<0.05) between group shown Maitland was superior to MET. Conclusion: Maitland Mobilization is more effective in reducing pain and increasing function and Disability among the patients having Adhesive Capsulitis as compared to MET for Pain, ROM and shoulder functions.

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