
A 10-year-boy post-operative, post-radiotherapy case of left temporal glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) was referred for F-18 Flurodeoxyglucose (FDG) Positron emission tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) to rule out residual/recurrent disease 6 months following completion of therapy. The FDG scan 3 months following therapy had not shown evidence of viable residual or metastatic disease. The present scan showed a tiny focus of abnormal FDG accumulation in the region of the trigone of the left lateral ventricle which was best appreciated on the plain PET image. A correlative C-11 methionine study showed a well defined focus of abnormal tracer accumulation in the region of the left trigone. CECT and MRI done subsequently proved it to be a subependymal deposit. This case therefore demonstrates the possibility of subependymal deposits in GBM and the need for this possibility to be entertained during interpretation of the FDG study. It also highlights the advantage of labelled amino acids like C-11 methionine for clearly delineating subependymal deposits apart from the advantage for unequivocal interpretation of the PET study in recurrent brain tumors.

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