
Research has shown that game-based learning techniques positively impact students' engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. We performed a study to explore the differences in student engagement with a game-based learning tool implemented on two different platforms: mobile and web-based. We developed two versions of a peer-quizzing game where the students can create quiz questions related to the learning material, which their peers can attempt to answer. The students can create three types of questions: Multiple Choice Questions, True/ False, and short answers. Students from a first-year introductory programming computer class were recruited to evaluate both versions of the game during one academic term (four months) during the Covid-19 pandemic when classes were entirely online. A bonus participation mark of up to five percent of the course was offered to students who posted at least three questions per week. In addition, we collected data about the students' in-game activities for the study duration. The Mann-Whitney U-test results show no significant difference in the engagement between the web and the game's mobile version. However, students posed more questions in the mobile version than in the Web version of the game. On the contrary, students solved more questions in the web version than in the mobile version. We have learned from the study that both game-based learning platforms effectively engage students. We also collected data about the students' experience with the game in a post-study survey. The responses show that both game versions got similar user experience ratings.

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