
Introduction: Patterns of time use provide important information about the ways in which individuals manipulate their time to contribute in daily activities. According to the World Health Organization, the proper usage of time has a positive effect on health and welfare. Having a child with cerebral palsy imposes various kinds of pressure on the family including feeling a “time pressure” for ongoing care of the affected child which may be beyond what is expected regarding the family schedule. Although mothers are usually the most affected member of the family in this dilemma as they are the main caregiver of cerebral-palsied child, less attention has been paid to them. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the patterns of time use in mothers of children with cerebral palsy compared to those of healthy children. Materials and Methods: 30 mothers of cerebral palsied children and 37 mothers of healthy children Participated in this case-control study. The “Mother Time Use” Questionnaire along with a demographic questionnaire were used for collecting data of interest. Results: Mothers of children with cerebral palsy spent more time to look after their children as compared to mothers of healthy children (P < 0.05). However, in other areas there were not significant differences. Satisfaction of mothers of children with cerebral palsy regarding their time management skills was significantly less than that of the other group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the mothers of children with cerebral palsy did not maintain a well-balanced daily schedule which, in return, may lead to less than satisfactory “use of time”. It is necessary to consider further resources of support for mothers of children with cerebral palsy. Keywords: Cerebral palsy, Time use, Areas of occupations, Time management skills

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