
Abstract. Heterogeneous ice nucleation on dust particles in the atmosphere is a key mechanism for ice formation in clouds. However, the conditions of a particle surface for efficient ice nucleation are poorly understood. In this study, we present results of immersion freezing experiments using differential scanning calorimetry on emulsified mineral dust suspensions, involving the two chemically identical, but morphologically different, kaolin minerals of kaolinite and halloysite. Kaolinite occurs in a platy morphology, while halloysites form predominantly tubular structures. We investigated six different halloysite and two different kaolinite samples. Our results show that, on average, the halloysite samples not only exhibit a higher ice nucleation (IN) activity than the kaolinite samples but also a higher diversity in terms of freezing onset temperatures and heterogeneously frozen fraction. Repeating the freezing experiments after shortly milling the samples led to a decrease in freezing onset temperatures and in the heterogeneously frozen fraction of the halloysite samples, bringing their IN activity closer to that of the kaolinites. To interpret these findings, the freezing experiments were complemented by dynamic vapor sorption (DVS), BET (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller) surface area measurements, pore ice melting experiments with slurries, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) before and after milling. These measurements demonstrate an increase in surface area and the destruction of tubes by milling and provide evidence for the influence of the tubular structure of the halloysites on their IN activity. We identify the OH–Al–O–Si–OH functionalized edges as being the most likely site for ice nucleation, as the high geometric diversity of the edges best accounts for the high diversity in IN activity of halloysites. We hypothesize that the stacking of layers and the number of stacks in halloysite tubes and kaolinite platelets affect the freezing temperature, with thicker stacks having the potential to freeze water at higher temperatures. The notion that the edges constitute the IN-active part of kaolin minerals is further supported by comparing kaolin minerals with montmorillonites and feldspars, all of which exhibit enhanced IN activity in the presence of ammonia and ammonium-containing solutions. As OH–Al–O–Si–OH functionalized edge surfaces are the only surface type that kaolin particles have in common with montmorillonites and feldspars, the common feature of IN activity enhancement in ammoniated solutions can only be explained by ice nucleation occurring at the edges of kaolin minerals.

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