
The previous chapter (Chapter 6) examined the differential usage of the Internet in broadband and narrowband environments. However, the previous chapter excluded the comparison of current and future consumer use of various electronic services and applications at home and in the work place in the UK. A recently published report that was submitted to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), UK, suggests that the penetration of broadband is likely to promote the usage of advanced Internet content and applications; however, due to the lack of data at present, it is difficult to support this theoretical claim (Analysys, 2005). The Analysys report states, “Much has been made of the requirement for countries to invest in broadband communications infrastructure, and to promote its usage. Increased take-up of broadband access services is expected to stimulate usage of advanced Internet content and applications by consumers and by businesses, thus changing individuals’ behaviour, creating new industries, or increasing productivity in existing industries. However, data to prove the theory is hard to come by” (Analysys, 2005).

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