
Insights into organisational knowledge sharing of the sustainable procurement phenomenon are limited, especially across developing countries. A comparative research approach addresses such a limitation, as it makes available the experiences and practices of multiple entities simultaneously. Comparative research highlights important attributes such as similarities and differences, as well as strengths and weaknesses, thereby facilitating knowledge and experience sharing for enhanced organisational practices. In this study, the public procurement practices of Ghana’s education and health sectors are selected for comparison on the basis of their strategic salience for sustainability outcomes, the substantial purchasing power entailed in their activities, and their significant importance in Ghana’s public sector and economy. Employing comparative research as the core approach, a survey was conducted across 153 organisations, and useable data from 76 of these organisations were obtained; representing a 49.67% response rate. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, and a two-tailed independent samples t-test technique. The results indicate the following three key findings: i) sustainable procurement practices in Ghana’s health sector are stronger than related practices in the education sector; ii) practices in the two sectors are similar in terms of human rights and safety, but different in terms of environment, philanthropy, and diversity dimensions; and iii) the general state of sustainable procurement practice in the two sectors is moderate. This study contributes fresh insights by comparing sustainable procurement practices of two public sectors of critical importance in Ghana’s economy, as well as a perspective on relevant practices in an African domain; a context about which little is known in the extant literature. These new insights have implications for relevant knowledge and experience sharing, capacity building, and enhanced practices.

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