
This research extends a static threshold based control strategy used to control headway variation to a dynamic threshold based control strategy. In the static strategy, buses are controlled by setting a threshold value that holds buses at a control point for a certain amount of time before allowing the bus to continue along the route. The threshold remains constant each time the bus stops at the control point. The dynamic strategy involves the same principle of holding buses at a bus stop; however, a different threshold value is chosen each time the bus holds at a control point. The results indicate that in cases where the static threshold is set equal to the scheduled headway, very low headway variation and passenger system times result; however, passengers on board the bus are penalized by extra delay on the bus while waiting at the control point. The dynamic strategy reduces the penalty to passengers delayed on-board the bus at a control point at the expense of a slight increase in overall passenger system time.The results indicate that in most cases, the tradeoff of the slight increase in waiting time for the significant decrease in on-board delay penalty makes the dynamic strategy an acceptable choice.

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