
Animal ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) are ligand-gated channels whose evolution is intimately linked to the one of the nervous system, where the agonist glutamate and co-agonists glycine/D-serine act as neuro-transmitters or -modulators. While iGluRs are specialized in neuronal communication, plant glutamate receptor-like (GLR) homologues have evolved many plant-specific physiological functions, such as sperm signaling in moss, pollen tube growth, root meristem proliferation, innate immune and wound responses. GLRs have been associated with Ca2+ signaling by directly channeling its extracellular influx into the cytosol. Nevertheless, very limited information on functional properties of GLRs is available, and we mostly rely on structure/function data obtained for animal iGluRs to interpret experimental results obtained for plant GLRs. Yet, a deeper characterization and better understanding of plant GLRs is progressively unveiling original and different mode of functions when compared to their mammalian counterparts. Here, we review the function of plant GLRs comparing their predicted structure and physiological roles to the well-documented ones of iGluRs. We conclude that interpreting GLR function based on comparison to their animal counterparts calls for caution, especially when presuming physiological roles and mode of action for plant GLRs from comparison to iGluRs in peripheral, non-neuronal tissues.

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