
We have evaluated the mapping of polarizable material using a Cole-Cole model to fit second-order effects in concentric-loop airborne electromagnetic system responses. At Lewis Ponds in New South Wales, an inverted ground dipole-dipole array data has accurately imaged in 3D disseminated sulfide extending above and around ore grade massive sulfides. The polarizable zone is present in the near-surface, where, from modeling, airborne systems may have sensitivity to the small inductive induced polarization effects. Although the inverted chargeability measured from galvanic current injection into the ground was spatially coincident with the mineralized target, the estimated chargeabilities from induced polarization effects in an airborne versatile time-domain electromagnetic survey were substantially displaced to the east. The airborne induced polarization response may be associated with finer grained mineralization in the hanging wall of the sulfide deposits, or have a quite different source, such as clays associated with faulting.

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