
We prove a number of unconditional statistical results of the Hecke coefficients for unitary cuspidal representations of GL ( 2 ) \text {GL}(2) over number fields. Using partial bounds on the size of the Hecke coefficients, instances of Langlands functoriality, and properties of Rankin–Selberg L L -functions, we obtain bounds on the set of places where linear combinations of Hecke coefficients are negative. Under a mild functoriality assumption we extend these methods to GL ( n ) \text {GL}(n) . As an application, we obtain a result related to a question of Serre about the occurrence of large Hecke eigenvalues of Maass forms. Furthermore, in the cases where the Ramanujan conjecture is satisfied, we obtain distributional results of the Hecke coefficients at places varying in certain congruence or Galois classes.

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