
Cities are developing hazard mitigation plans (HMP) and climate change adaptation plans (CCAP) with the common aim of proactively reducing vulnerability to future hazards. Yet, they are often treated as distinct planning instruments. Some planning scholars have suggested that HMP and CCAP should be integrated since climate change impacts are increasing and communities have limited time and resources. But, it is unclear how synergistic these two planning approaches are in practice. Focusing on flooding as a key climate-related hazard, this study examines planning frameworks and helps to address this gap by exploring HMPs and CCAPs in three US cities at the forefront of flood resilience planning. We analyze the content of standalone HMPs and CCAPs in Boston, MA, and Seattle, WA, and a combined plan in Baltimore, MD to identify overlaps in practice and explore how, and to what extent, HMPs and CCAPs are synergistic.

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