
This study has been conducted to evaluate the quality of some of AL-Qadisyah province wells water and classify them according to global classifications. Nineteen wells in different locations have been pointed and assessed during the period between September 2012 to August 2013. Results shows differences in water quality depending on the locations; Electrical conductivity ranges between 1.60 and 19.82 ds.m-1, and Sodium adsorption ratio ranges between 2.03 and 17.47. Four global classifications have been used. The US Salinity Laboratory classification of the year of 1954 categorized most of these wells in category of C4-S1, which is high-salinity and too low sodic water. According to FAO classification of the year of 1985, some of the wells categorized in category of high-salinity and some other mild to moderate salinity. The same classification of the year of 1992 puts most of the wells in moderate salinity category, and characterizes their water as water of puncture and initial groundwater. According to the suggested classification by Ghliam (1997), 73% takes place between accepted to moderated salinity. These classifications state the applicability of using wells water for agricultural purposes in this area considering; good management practices using washing requirements around 15-20%, using good drain system, reducing ground water level to maintain the balance of saline soil, and cultivating salinity tolerant crops. This study could be used as an index when underground water wanted to be used for agricultural territory of AL- Diwanyia


  • This study has been conducted to evaluate the quality of some of ALQadisyah province wells water and classify them according to global classifications

  • According to FAO classification of the year of 1985, some of the wells categorized in category of high-salinity and some other mild to moderate salinity

  • According to the suggested classification by Ghliam (1997), 73% takes place between accepted to moderated salinity. These classifications state the applicability of using wells water for agricultural purposes in this area considering; good management practices using washing requirements around 15-20%, using good drain system, reducing ground water level to maintain the balance of saline soil, and cultivating salinity tolerant crops

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‫الصوديوم ‪:‬‬ ‫ٌعتبر اٌون الصودٌوم من الاٌونات المهمة فً‬ ‫مٌاه الري نظرا لتأثٌراته السمٌة عند وجوده‬ ‫بتراكٌز عالٌة وأشارت النتائج ان قٌم تراكٌز‬ ‫اٌون الصودٌوم للمٌاه الابار المدروسة قد‬ ‫تراوحت بٌن ‪ 43204 -09005‬ملغم‪.‬لتر‪ 0-‬اما‬ ‫تراكٌز اٌون الصودٌوم فً مٌاه نهر الدٌوانٌة‬ ‫والشامٌة والدغارة بلغت ‪ 6600‬و ‪ 6209‬و‬ ‫‪ 6009‬ملغم‪.‬لتر‪ 0-‬على الترتٌب ‪.‬ان سبب‬ ‫ارتفاع تركٌز اٌون الصودٌوم ٌعود الى‬ ‫الصخور الملحٌة الحاوٌة على الهالاٌت وبعض‬ ‫المعادن الطٌنٌة مثل الالاٌت المسؤلة عن اطلاق‬

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