
AbstractThis study examines the fluting of two well‐known Late Pleistocene fluted point types in North America: Clovis and Folsom. Using scaling analyses, we assess the changing relationship between flute length and point length in a large sample of each type. Researchers use scaling to investigate the physical constraints of an object and determine how its dimensions change with size. We compare the strength and consistency of the scaling relationships between the older Clovis and the younger Folsom with the aim of shedding light on scaling differences, if any, over their temporal span. Our results show that there is a significant difference in the relationship of fluting length to point length between these types. In Folsom point manufacture, flute length increases nearly twice as fast with increasing point length than in Clovis. Importantly, the scaling of flute length to point length relationship is isometric (linear) in the Folsom sample, whereas it is allometric (sublinear) in the Clovis sample. In other words, Folsom flintknappers maintained a constant ratio of flute length to point length. Clovis flintknappers were less concerned about maintaining this ratio. We attribute this difference to a potentially increasing, or changing, functional role of fluting in Folsom.

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