
The parliamentary form of government is one of the systems to govern the states among many other systems that developed over the process of centuries, evolving from social contracts, customs to traditional linkages, reaching, finally, at modern state system. It can further be divided into single national parliament (Unicameral) and a system consisting of two houses (Bicameral). Having diverse systems of governance, every state is working to keep peace and stability and create a progressive society that can ultimately attain a better world to live in. Pakistan got its independence in 1947 and adopted the Westminster system of governance which Britain had attained after a process of centuries since the signing of Magna Carta on June 15, 1215. Pakistan has been in struggle since its inception for a viable system of governance starting from a constitution borrowed from the Government of India Act 1935 to its own constitution approved in 1973. It shifted from a unicameral system of government to a bicameral federal state system but still a lot more is required to attain a democratic form of government that can respond to the local challenges. Keeping the bicameral system of Britain in view, the present study is planned to compare it with that of Pakistan to create a better understanding of parliamentary system of both states.

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