
The automatic evaluation of machine translation (MT) has proven to be a very significant research topic. Most automatic evaluation methods focus on the evaluation of the output of MT as they compute similarity scores that represent translation quality. This work targets on the performance of MT evaluation. We present a general scheme for learning to classify parallel translations, using linguistic information, of two MT model outputs and one human (reference) translation. We present three experiments to this scheme using neural networks (NN). One using string based hand-crafted features (Exp1), the second using automatically trained embeddings from the reference and the two MT outputs (one from a statistical machine translation (SMT) model and the other from a neural ma-chine translation (NMT) model), which are learned using NN (Exp2), and the third experiment (Exp3) that combines information from the other two experiments. The languages involved are English (EN), Greek (GR) and Italian (IT) segments are educational in domain. The proposed language-independent learning scheme which combines information from the two experiments (experiment 3) achieves higher classification accuracy compared with models using BLEU score information as well as other classification approaches, such as Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM).

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