
<p>目的 : 針對不同重心站立法對女子劍道選手面部打擊技術之差異進行分析,以提升國內女子劍道選手技術水準。方法:以十名女子劍道選手為研究參與者,平均年齡 25.9 ± 7.1歲、平均身高 160.2 ± 4cm、平均體重 56.3 ± 9.6kg、運動年齡 11.5 ± 7.4年。在測力板上分別使用重心在前與重心在後兩種站立法,進行面部打擊,並同步使用 6部高速攝影機分析打擊過程。以成對樣本 t 檢定,分析重心水平位移、重心垂直位移、下蹲期重心垂直位移、竹劍垂直擺盪位移、整體打擊時間、離地瞬間重心水平速度、離地瞬間重心垂直速度、最大推蹬力等參數,以標準差、平均數、t值與 p值呈現結果,顯著水準設為 α = .05。結果:不同重心站立法在重心垂直 (p = .005)和水平 (p = .010)位移達顯著差異、後腳推蹬反作用力有顯著差異 (p = .022),重心在前站立法推蹬地面反作用力 (1.63 BW%) 大於重心在後站立法 (1.55 BW%),重心在後站立法進行攻擊,有較小的重心垂直位移 (8.90cm),和較大的重心水平位移 (53.90cm)。結論:重心在後站立法是較合適選擇的站立法,攻擊動作較為穩定,而重心在前站立法則是能提供較大的推蹬力。在比賽場上採用重心在後站立法時,有較好的攻擊動作穩定性,且在重心水平位移與重心垂直位移表現皆優於重心在前站立法,此結果提供教練或選手作訓練及比賽參考,以提升運動表現。</p> <p> </p><p>Purpose: This study is to analyze the differences of head strike techniques between different Standing Tobikomi Men Methods of female kendo athletes in order to improve the development of domestic kendo. Methods: 10 female kendo athletes were recruited in this study, with an average age of 25.9 ± 7.1 years, an average height of 160.2 ± 4 cm, an average weight of 56.3 ± 9.6 kg, and an average sports age of 11.5 ± 7.4 years. All participants conducted head strikes on the force plate with 2 different standing methods, one with body weight on the front foot (front standing), the other with body weight on the back foot (back standing), and 6 high-speed cameras were used to analyze the strike at the same time. Paired sample T test was used to analyze the following parameters: horizontal and vertical displacement of center of gravity (COG), the vertical displacement of the center of gravity during the squatting period, the vertical displacement of the bamboo sword, the overall strike time, the horizontal instantaneous speed of COG at the moment of leaving the ground, the maximum pushing force. Data was presented as standard deviation, mean, t-value, and p-value, with the level of significance set at α = .05. Results: There were significant differences in vertical (p = .005) and horizontal (p = .010) displacement of the center of gravity, and in the reaction force of the back foot (p = .022). The ground reaction force during pushing off is greater in the front standing (1.63 BW%) than the back standing (1.55 BW%). The back standing had smaller vertical displacement of COG (8.90 cm) and larger horizontal displacement of COG than the front standing method. Conclusions: The back standing is more suitable to conduct head strike with the strikes being more stable. While front standing could provide greater pushing force. The back standing makes the strike more stable and both the horizontal and vertical displacement of COG were smaller than front standing. The founding of this study could provide coaches and athletes a reference to improve performance when training and competing</p> <p> </p>

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