
The Generation IV nuclear power system has been developed by the Generation IV Forum (GIF) with its benefits such as highly economical, enhanced safety, low waste production, and proliferation resistant. MSR is one of Generation IV nuclear power system which uses molten salt as a fuel and a coolant, therefore its technology differs from the conventional solid-fuel reactors. In this study, the author focus on the safety characteristic analysis of the MSRs, in which a point kinetic equations and core heat transfer have been modeled by developing a mathematical model for MSRs. The founded model is applied to analyze the safety characteristics of the molten salt actinide recycler and transmuter system (MOSART) by simulating transient basic condition, and that is the unprotected loss of flow (ULOF) and unprotected overcooling accident (UOC). The result of reactor accident simulation is power distribution and temperature in the core reactor toward the time and showing that MOSART conceptual design is a reactor design which is stablee inherently. This reseach purposes to give basic understanding about safety characteristic of the MSR.

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