
The Corsica-Sardinia batholith in the southern realm of the Hercynian belt of Europe shows evidence for gravitational collapse of this part of the mountain belt, causing major felsic and mafic magmatism. The latest intrusions are composed of leucomonzogranite and late metaluminous and alkaline granite, associated with tholeiitic layered complexes and dykes. Three dating methods on zircon (Pb-evaporation, ID-TIMS and SHRIMP) were used to unravel the chronology of these felsic and mafic rocks. Dating of zircons by the conventional U–Pb method, using TIMS after zircon dissolution, achieved an analytical uncertainty of 1 Ma for favourable cases. The TIMS Pb-evaporation technique resulted in ages with an uncertainty range of 4 to 8 Ma. After 15 to 20 analyses with the SHRIMP method, a precision ranging from 2 to 5 Ma was obtained (all at 2 σ). The three methods applied to the same zircon population extracted from four A-type granites, show that the uncertainty ranges within 2–5 Ma according to the sample. This error seems to correspond to the real geochronological uncertainty that can be achieved. The results obtained show that all six tested alkaline granites were emplaced during a very short interval of about 3–5 Ma at about 288 Ma, almost contemporaneous with the leucomonzogranite emplacement (291–287 Ma) that ended the batholith formation. In addition, there is no significant gap with the age of emplacement of the mafic tholeiitic magmatism (around 286 Ma) crosscutting the “A-type” granites. The late alkaline granites definitely do not show up here as precursors of the Tethyan rifting that began at about 170 Ma, i.e. some 100 Ma after their emplacement. It is thus necessary to examine if alternative hypotheses to the anorogenic model of the A-type Younger Granite province better fit the new geochronological data. A model involving depleted continental-crust derived magma should be compatible with the timing and geodynamical constraints as far as isotopic data are concerned.

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