
Ateles spp. and Alouatta spp. are often sympatric, and although they are mainly frugivorous and folivorous, respectively, they consume some of the same fruit species. However, they differ in terms of color vision, which is thought to be important for fruit detection. Alouatta spp. have routine trichromatic color vision, while Ateles spp. presents the classic polymorphism of platyrrhines: heterozygous females have trichromatic color vision, and males and homozygous females have dichromatic vision. Given these perceptual differences, one might expect Alouatta spp. to consume more reddish fruits than Ateles spp., since trichromats have an advantage for detecting fruits of that hue. Furthermore, since Ateles spp. have up to six different color vision phenotypes, as do most other platyrrhines, they might be expected to include fruits with a wider variety of hues in their diet than Alouatta spp. To test these hypotheses we studied the fruit foraging behavior of sympatric Alouatta palliata and Ateles geoffroyi in Costa Rica, and modeled the detectability of fruit via the various color vision phenotypes in these primates. We found little similarity in fruit diet between these two species (Morisita = 0.086). Furthermore, despite its polymorphism, A. geoffroyi consumed more reddish fruits than A. palliata, which consumed more greenish fruits. Our modeling results suggest that most fruit species included in the diet of A. geoffroyi can be discriminated by most color vision phenotypes present in the population. These findings show that the effect of polymorphism in platyrrhines on fruit detection may not be a disadvantage for frugivory. We suggest that routine trichromacy may be advantageous for other foraging tasks, such as feeding on young leaves.

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