
No studies have yet been conducted on the morphology and characteristics of the oropharyngeal cavity roof in various reptiles, particularly lizards and Gecko. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the oropharyngeal cavity roof morphology and characteristics of T. annularis and H. vittatus. Both species have a palate of two parts: the rostral choanal vomeral part and the caudal part. The rostral palatine part is slightly longer due to a diastema. The palate is more triangular in H. vittatus than in T. annularis. The palatine papilla in H. vittatus is slightly elevated and separated from the incisive teeth by a transverse ridge, while in T. annularis; it is caudal to the incisive teeth. Both species have two cleft-like choana between the premaxillary and the maxillary bones. The caudal palatine part of T. annularis has two elevated tubercles, while H. vittatus carries 2–4 longitudinal ridges. T. annularis has three ridges: one median (which extends into the caudal part) and two transverse ridges, while H. vittatus had one transverse dental ridge and two mucosal folds. The rostral palatine part of T. annularis had glandular openings and taste pores with a taste process, while H. vittatus had numerous glandular openings only.

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