
Insecticides commonly used in cotton fields in Israel against lepidopterous pests were tested against eggs, as well as against 2nd-instar larvae and adults raised from eggs ofSpodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) collected in cotton fields in the Bet She’an Valley. Methomyl, chlorpyrifos, methidathion, monocrotophos, ethyl parathion, and methyl parathion were effective against eggs even at low doses, profenofos and phosfolan were less active, and azinphos-methyl was ineffective. The doses needed for 90% kill (LD90) of the 2nd-instar larvae were 8.5, 35, 280, 1300 and 3400 g a.i./1000 m2 for chlorpyrifos, methomyl, profenofos, methyl parathion and ethyl parathion, respectively; monocrotophos was inactive against 2nd-instar larvae even at relatively high doses. The LD90 of adults was reached with 16, 32, 1700 and 6100 ga.i./l000 m2 of chlorpyrifos, methomyl, ethyl parathion and profenofos, respectively. Only chlorpyrifos and methomyl gave successful control of all three stages of the insect tested, at doses close to those generally used with aerial applications.

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