
During the hibernation season, 13-lined ground squirrels spend days to weeks in torpor with body temperatures near freezing then spontaneously rewarm. The molecular drivers of the drastic physiological changes that orchestrate and permit torpor are not well understood. Although transcription effectively ceases at the low body temperatures of torpor, previous work has demonstrated that some transcripts are protected from bulk degradation in brown adipose tissue (BAT), consistent with the importance of their protein products for metabolic heat generation during arousal from torpor. We examined the transcriptome of skeletal muscle, heart, and liver to determine the patterns of differentially expressed genes in these tissues, and whether, like BAT, a subset of these were relatively increased during torpor. EDGE-tags were quantified from five distinct physiological states representing the seasonal and torpor-arousal cycles of 13-lined ground squirrels. Supervised clustering on relative transcript abundances with Random Forest separated the two states bracketing prolonged torpor, entrance into and aroused from torpor, in all three tissues. Independent analyses identified 3347, 6784, and 2433 differentially expressed transcripts among all sampling points in heart, skeletal muscle, and liver, respectively. There were few differentially expressed genes in common across all three tissues; these were enriched in mitochondrial and apoptotic pathway components. Divisive clustering of these data revealed unique cohorts of transcripts that increased across the torpor bout in each tissue with patterns reflecting various combinations of cycling within and between seasons as well as between torpor and arousal. Transcripts that increased across the torpor bout were likewise tissue specific. These data shed new light on the biochemical pathways that alter in concert with hibernation phenotype and provide a rich resource for further hypothesis-based studies.

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