
A comparative study was conducted on serum blood samples collected from smoker and non smoker of some Libyan population. Different liver and Kidney functions were estimated included: GOT,GPT,Total bilirubin and ALK.PH of liver functions beside creatinine and urea of Kidney functions. The results recorded that the contents of: Total bilirubin in the smokers blood samples were ranged between (0.3 – 1.8), GOT (6 – 36), GPT (8 – 37) and ALK.PH contents were ranged between (76 – 226). On other hand the same parameters in the blood of non smokers samples were ranged as following: (0.3 – 1.1) , (15 – 27) , (12 – 22) and (122 – 226), respectively. Also effect of cigarette smoking on renal functions was indicated by serum creatinine and urea ,where the contents of serum creatinine and urea in smoker people showed high values of urea. The contents of urea of smoker samples were ( 29.8 ± 7.62) comparing with non smoker blood samples of (25 .05 ± 4.37 ).

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