
Background and objective: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by a progressive and irreversible airflow limitation. In COPD, the initial low-grade pulmonary inflammation slowly progress to systemic inflammation which is usually confirmed by non-specific inflammatory biomarker like C-reactive protein (CRP). However, the disease progress can be diagnosed at the early stage of pulmonary inflammation by using a novel biomarker, like Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) released from the respiratory epithelium in COPD. The objective of this study was to compare the serum levels of suPAR and CRP in stable COPD and to assess the progress of low-grade pulmonary inflammation in COPD. Methods: Stable COPD [SCOPD] study participants (male-35; female-15) and healthy controls (male-38; female-12) were recruited for the study after obtaining informed consent. Based on post-bronchodilator FEV1% predicted values as specified by GOLD criteria, SCOPD study participants were graded into grades I-IV. Serum suPAR and CRP assays were done for all the study participants. Results: The level of suPAR among SCOPD grades I-IV (4.03±0.40 ng/ml; 5.16 ±0.26 ng/ml; 5.82±0.17ng/ml; 6.39±0.07ng/ml respectively) were high compared to healthy control (1.84±0.90ng/ml) and was statistically significant. The level of CRP among SCOPD grade I-IV (3.30±0.13 ng/ml; 3.60 ±0.09 ng/ml; 3.91±0.12ng/ml; 4.41±0.10 ng/ml respectively) were high compared to healthy control (1.63±0.77ng/ml) and was statistically significant.. Conclusion: Our study indicated that serum suPAR and CRP may play an important role in the inflammatory process of COPD particularly in grades III and IV SCOPD. Hence, serum suPAR and CRP measurements may be useful for the evaluation and prognosis of stable COPD.

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