
Screening of electrophoretic pattern of serum protein is crucial for the initial evaluation of numerous clinical conditions. The present study aimed to investigate and compare the normal serum protein electrophoretic pattern in three gazelle species which included sand gazelle (Gazella gazella), mountain gazelle (Gazella subgutterosa) and Erlanger’s gazelle (Gazella erlangeri). Significant (P £ 0.05) interspecies differences were noticed in A/G ratio, and in á-1, â and globulins fractions using agarose gel electrophoresis. Significant (P £ 0.05) differences between males of the three species were encountered in á-1, á- 2 and â globulins fractions, while significant differences in A/G ratio, á-1, á-2 and â globulins fractions were observed between females of the three species. Significance (P £ 0.05) intersex differences were observed for albumin in sand gazelle, and for á-2 and â globulins fractions in mountain gazelle. The results obtained from the current study could provide a baseline references and could be used for diagnostic purposes.

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