
Mukhapaka is affected to particular age, socioeconomic status, improper food habits and life style. Here control over Pittadosha is the very first step. There is a need to find out a simple, cost effective, economical, reliable and most suitable therapy by which one can give good results on disease. Godugdha & Gogritha is best Vranaropaka and due to its Guna, it cures Mukhapaka. In present era people are interested towards Ayurveda, which is most effective and reliable. Hence the present work was undertaken “Comparative study on efficacy Kavala Dharana with Godugdha and Goghrita in management of Mukhapaka”. Objectives: To compare the efficacy of Godugdha and Goghruta Kavala Dharana in the management of Mukhapaka. Conclusion: Goghrita Kavala has shown better effect than Godugha during subsequent fallow up with very minimal recurrence rate was found.

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