
The share of agriculture in gross domestic product has registered a steady decline from 36.4 per cent in 1982-83 to 20 per cent in March 2020-2021. Yet this sector continues to more than half a billion people providing employment to 52 per cent of the workforce. In the western Uttar Pradesh two cropping systems mainly Rice-wheat and sugarcane-wheat covers a larger area under production system. In Combined, both these cropping systems add up around to 12 million hectare area but the major part falls under North-West India. A sample of 80 famers who have livestock were selected for sample collection. For analysis the data Average weighted mean and CACP cost concept were used for calculation of economics of farming systems.There for the net return per hectare in small, medium and large category was Rs. 174390.40, 161003.60 and 152396.80 respectively. It was also observed the net return was higher in Sugarcane-Wheat cropping system than the Rice-Wheat cropping system.

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