
The presence of liver disease in patients with progressively worsening insulin resistance may not be recognized until patients develop manifestations of the metabolic syndrome such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and vascular disease. It was aimed to investigate whether three angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonists (ARBs) (olmesartan, losartan, and valsartan) had preventive effect against hepatic fibrosis and this was a common characteristic among ARBs. In current study, 25 adult male rats were used and divided into five groups: the non-diabetic healthy group, alloxan induced diabetic (AID) control group, AID losartan group, AID valsartan group and AID olmesartan group. According to numerical density of hepatocytes, significant difference was found between the non-diabetic healthy group and diabetic control group. All treatments groups were significant when compared to diabetic control group. In diabetic control group it was examined swelling, irregular cristae arrangement in some of mitochondria. It was also determined mitochondria membrane degeneration in some areas of section profiles. In diabetic rats treated with losartan group, there were necrotic hepatocytes. In diabetic rats treated with valsartan group, predominantly, findings were similar to losartan group. In diabetic rats treated with olmesertan group, plates of hepatocytes were quite regular. There were hardly necrotic cells. Not only other organelles such as RER, SER and lysosom but also mitochondrial structures had normal appearance. In the diabetic control group electron microscopy revealed edema in both the cytoplasm and perinuclear area and the nuclear membranes appeared damaged. In conclusion, it was established that the most protective ARB the liver in diabetic rats was olmesartan, followed by losartan.

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