
Background: To identify an effective misoprostol-only regime for the termination of second trimester pregnancy. Objectives: To compare the efficacy, safety and acceptability of sublingual and vaginal misoprostol for second trimester pregnancy termination. Methods: In a prospective randomized comparative study, over 138 pregnant women at 13 - 20 weeks (91 - 140 days) of gestation requiring medical abortion were randomly assigned to the sublingual or vaginal route for misoprostol administration with dose schedule of 400 mcg every 3 hours up to 5 doses within 24 hours. The course of misoprostol was repeated if the woman did not abort within 24 hours. Primary outcome was the efficacy of the treatment to terminate pregnancy completely at 24 and 48 hours. Secondary outcomes measured were induction-abortion interval, side effects, failure rate, and women’s perception to these treatments. Results: At 24 h, the complete abortion rate was 87.88% in the vaginal administration group and 79.41% in sublingual group (difference 8.5%, 95% CI: 3.8 to 13.2). No significant difference in the complete abortion rates was observed at 48 h(90.91% versus 88.24% difference: 2.7%, 95% CI: ?0.04 to 5.4) when vaginal and sublingual groups were compared. Mean induction-abortion interval in sublingual and vaginal groups was 12.28 h (95% CI of mean 11.019 - 13.541 h) and 13.11 h (95% CI of mean 12.0301 - 14.1899 h) respectively; p = 0.485. The rates of side effects were similar in both groups except for fever, which was more common in vaginal group. Significantly more women in the sublingual group preferred the route as compared to vaginal administration (RR 1.618. 95% CI: 1.277 - 2.050; p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Both sublingual and vaginal routes of misoprostol are equally effective in medical termination of pregnancy in second trimester but sublingual route was preferred by the women.


  • Termination of pregnancy is usually performed in first trimester, but second trimester termination contributes only 10% to 15% of all induced abortions cases and about two-thirds of all fatal complications are related to induced abortions [1] [2]

  • Surgical treatment is associated with quicker results but it can result in serious complications like uterine perforation, cervical incompetence, uterine synechiae and even maternal mortality [3]

  • 150 pregnant women were selected for this study attending OPD of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan opting for medical termination of pregnancy between 13 to 20 weeks of gestation over a period of one year (March 2012 to February 2013)

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Termination of pregnancy is usually performed in first trimester, but second trimester termination contributes only 10% to 15% of all induced abortions cases and about two-thirds of all fatal complications are related to induced abortions [1] [2]. Different doses and routes of administration of misoprostol alone for second trimester abortion have been investigated and the results are compared but optimal dose and route have not been identified [7]-[9]. It seems that doses more than 400 mcg did not significantly improve the efficacy but produced more side effects. Conclusion: Both sublingual and vaginal routes of misoprostol are effective in medical termination of pregnancy in second trimester but sublingual route was preferred by the women

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