
The present study conducted in four milk union/ district of Rajasthan. The total sample size of milk producers of dairy cooperative society (DCS) and Non-member dairy cooperative society (NDCS) in the State was 240. All the related primary data were collected during year 2017-18. About 80 per cent selected house hold belongs to other backward class. The operational land holding of DCS member have higher than NDCS i.e. 5.19 ha. of DCS and 4.17 ha. of NDCS. The low milk production yield and unavailability of feed and fodder throughout year were major constraint faced by DCS household. In NDCS category also faced some other constraint like unavailability of vaccine and veterinary service. In concerns of economics constraints, majority of the dairy farmers faced high cost of feed and fodder, veterinary service and price offer of milk offer and lack of loan facility. Regarding marketing constraints, few were faced less knowledge about marketing strategies and lack of facility less advance payment for milk. Regarding technical constraints, most of the respondents, opined to have inadequate guidance of AI, feeding and health care of animal, high genetic merit bull as their constraint. The lack of purchasing power is serious social constraint followed by lower socio economic condition faced by NDCS.There is needed to make greater efforts to educate and assist the milk producers in respect to latest breeding, feeding and animal management technique.

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