
A comparative study of selenium oxyanion sorption was carried out by means of batch sorption experiments on three argillaceous rocks that differ in their mineralogical compositions and textural properties. The results show no selenate (Se(VI)) sorption onto the argillaceous rocks after 60 days, but clear sorption of selenite (Se(IV)), the extent being closely related to the initial Se(IV) concentration. At the lowest concentration ([Se(IV)]eq < 10−8 mol L−1), the ranking of rock affinity for Se(IV) is Black Shales > Opalinus Clay (OPA) > Upper Toarcian, with Rd values of 910 ± 70, 600 ± 65 and 470 ± 70 mL g−1 respectively. The Se(IV) sorption isotherms acquired for the three argillaceous rocks can be reproduced well by means of Langmuir formalism, particularly with a two-site Langmuir model. The comparison of the Se(IV) sorption isotherms obtained for these three rocks led to identification of pyrite associated with natural organic matter (NOM) as one of the main phases involved in selenium retention. While the desorption results suggested a significant Se(IV) reduction in the Upper Toarcian samples, the reversible sorption shown on the Black Shales and OPA samples was correlated with a sulfate increase, symptomatic of surface oxidation of pyrite which could limit the Se(IV) reduction in favor of sorption.

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