
The following quantitative serologic reactions: agar-gel immunodiffusion, complement-fixation, opposite electrophoresis and latex particle agglutination tests have been performed in 38 sera from mycologically proved pulmonary aspergillosis cases. A metabolic antigen from a strain ofAspergillus fumigatus according toAjello et al technic modified by us, has been employed. Sera from 120 subjects suffering from non-mycotic lung conditions, as well as 10 sera from histoplasmosis cases, 10 sera from S. A. blastomycosis and 2 sera from patients with lung aspergillosis produced byA. niger, gave negative results with the above mentioned seroligic reactions. One hundred per cent of positive results were obtained with the complement-fixation test (titre ranging from 1/20 to 1/1280), agar-gel immunodiffusion test (titre up to 1/64) and the opposite immunoelectrophoresis (titre ranging from 1/2 to 1/256). Twenty five per cent negative and 4 non-specific results were registered with the latex particle agglutination test. A correlation of the number of serum precipition bands obtained by the electrophoresis technic with the titre of the quantitative serologic reactions, as well as a correlation of the titre of the circulating antibodies with the severity of the clinical form of aspergillosis seems to be present. Electrophoretic motility of the specific antibody performed in 10 sera showed results like the IgM in 1 instance and an intermediate position between IgA and IgG in 9 samples.

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