
Background: Gynaecological and non-gynaecological samples are two main types of cytological sample. The Gynaecological samples are usually Pap (cervical) smears, Vagina smear, Endocervical aspiration, Endometrial aspiration etc. Non-gynaecological samples fall into two categories, exfoliative and fine needle aspiration samples. The sample size of this study was 32 and was determined using the method of Naing, Winn, and Rusli, (2006).Aim: This study was aimed at comparing the efficacy of the gynaecological sample and non-gynaecological sample in a variety of parameters including cellular morphology, specimen preparation, screening time, and impact on the final result. Materials and methods: Gynaecological sample was obtained by introducing a spatula into the vagina with the aid of speculum. The cellular material obtained was rapidly but gently smeared on a clean glass slide and the smear made was fixed while it is wet for Papanicolaou staining and was cleared, mounted and studied microscopically. Non-Gynaecological sample – sputum was collected with a deep cough from the lungs early in the morning before eating and deposited directly into a preservative container. Air-dried smears were fixed in methanol for 15 minutes and rinsed in buffer. The smear was stained with May-Grunwald for 5 minutes and stained again with Giemsa for 10 minutes. The smear was differentiated in buffer and allowed to air dried, cleared in xylene and mounted with DPX.Results: This present study revealed that cervical casesoccurred more in younger age (30-39) when compared to non gynaecological cases (sputum) which occurred more in older adults (age group 50-59).Conclusion:Treating all cervical pre-cancers can prevent almost all cervical cancers. Cervical smear showed predominately parabasal and intermediate cell, esinophilic cells with increased nuclear/ cytoplasmic ratio and eccentric cells. However, the sputum cytology show basically cells with increased nuclear/ cytoplasmic ratio.

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