
The genetic and social structures of polygyne and monogyne forms of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, are investigated in a comparative manner using allozyme data from two polymorphic loci. Foundress queens of the monogyne form are signly inseminated and appear to produce all males present in the colony during the major summer mating flights. The average regression coefficient of relatedness (b) among female nestmates of the monogyne form is 0.714 (Fig. 2), statistically indistinguishable from the pedigree coefficient of relatedness (G) of 0.75. We suggest that the evolution of obligate worker sterility in Solenopsis is associated with this high relatedness between workers and the queens they rear. Functional queens in polygyne nests also are singly inseminated and are no more closely related to nestmate queens than to other queens (within-nest b=0). Within-nest relatedness of workers in the polygyne population is similarly low (Fig. 2). Both the monogyne and polygyne populations from northcentral Georgia are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at both allozyme loci and we found no evidence of significant population subdividion or inbreeding in the polygyne population. These results do not support the view that kin selection has promoted the evolution of polygyny in North American S. invicta. Rather, mutualism appears to be the most likely selective factor mediating queen associations inthis ant.

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