
E-learning is essentially the network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-learning refers to using electronic applications and processes to learn. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV and CD-ROM This study is a reflection to the current scenario of how ICT is being used in education sector in Nepal that depicts how E-learning Framework aid to different districts of rural areas of Nepal[8]. Since this research is based on fundamental research it is absolutely focused to enhance the knowledge of the researcher E-learning is better, but it implicates that, though its use, a better ICT education service can be delivered to most communities and pollution, still not familiar by ICT education and services For instances E-learning would be the higher priority to deliver education in rural education areas due to its remoteness and unavailability of new technology and other resources, moreover, it may enable the researchers to carry out further detailed study on the subject matter and for students to carryout similar task related to this study.The overall objective of this Study is to explore the practicability of E-learning application in context of Nepal, with special reference to aid provided by framework Nepal along with to acknowledge the practical consequences observed by framework Nepal after providing the E-learning services in various part of Nepal for access the practice of E-learning Frameworks. Also, recommend a suitable E-learning Framework for Nepal. This study is a reflection to the current scenario of how ICT is being used in education sector in Nepal that depicts how E-learning Framework aid to different districts of rural areas of Nepal. Since this research is based on fundamental research it is absolutely focused to enhance the knowledge of the researcher [9].

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