
Over the past few years, deep learning has played a tremendous role in real time object detection, recognition and classification. Today, algorithms use deep learning not only for simple object detection but have also paved way for vehicle detection that is complex situation such as Indian roads. Different deep learning models can learn features of varied complexity and perform according to surrounding environment in which they are deployed. In this paper a comparison of six models is performed for detection of vehicles on roads that are unstructured or unconstrained. Till date, deep learning algorithms are being used for vehicle (car, bus, truck, motorcycle etc.) detection. A dataset based on Indian road scenario has been used for training on models: faster RCNN and Single Shot Detector (SSD) combined with convolution classifiers mobilenet, resnet and inceptionnet. The six models are compared by evaluating mean average precision (mAP) and classification time complexity for IDD dataset. The observations suggested faster RCNN Resnet50 resolves the trade-off of time and accuracy. Whereas SSD mobilenet V1 takes 31.89% less time than faster RCNN resnet101. On the flipped side, faster RCNN resnet101is 34.38% more accurate than SSD mobilenet v1.

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