
This research study evaluates the performance of a local clay sample for drilling operations in Nigeria. The rheological and the thixotropic properties as well as other parameters of the Local clay mud was seen to have improved, but however, when beneficiated with chemical additives, there was an increase in the overall parameters of the Local mud samples, making it ideal for any industrial application as its parameters met with the stipulated standard specifications of API, OCDA. The rheological formulation of the locally sourced bentonite clay sample in substitute for the imported foreign bentonite clay was carried out by the comparative analysis of the parameters of the local mud with the stipulated API standard values to ascertain the level of compliance in drilling operation. The local mud PH values responded positively on beneficiation with 1.0g of potash, the modification raised the mud PH value to fall within the standard range of 9.5 to 12.5. The viscosity of the local mud was seen to be slightly below the standard requirement of 30cp, but appreciated favorably to the standard requirement when beneficiated with 1.0g of drispac. It was obvious that the prepared local mud sample parameters such as the sand percentage composition, power law index, density, marsh funnel viscosity, etc. met the minimum required specifications, while other few parameters such as the rheological properties, and pH, needed some additive treatment for favorable comparison with the foreign clay mud properties. Therefore, the utilization of this clays for any industrial application will pose no harm to surface and subsurface facilities and will in turn represent a value added to the Nigeria’s economy by the total prevention of the importation of high quality activated foreign bentonite clay.

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