
The concept of cloud computing was invented by the Internet service providers to support a large number of users and elastic services with the least number of resources. This expanding field of cloud computing has become the need of the future and is at the cutting edge. The hosting process of cloud computing has been transformed from internal IT systems to public services, from cost-effective tools to revenue generator tools, and from ISP to telecom services. This paper describes the concept, overview, services of cloud computing, issues and challenges of cloud computing as the value chain and standardization effort. Working of Cloud is the distribution of Computing services which include servers, database, networking devices, storage devices, software, analytics and intelligence-over the Internet (“the Cloud“) to offer faster revolution, cost-saving and flexible resources, and economies of scale. The purpose of cloud computing is to deliver computing services which include servers, storage, database, networking, software, analytics, intelligence, and more, over the Cloud (Internet).Overviewing at the characteristics of cloud computing there are majorly 5 characteristics : (1) large scale computing resources (2) high scalability & elasticity (3)shared resource pool (virtualized and physical resource) (4)dynamic resource scheduling (5) general purpose

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