
Abstract Background Single anastomosis sleeve ileal bypass (SASI) procedure appears as anew metabolic and bariatric surgery based on santoro's operation, in which sleeve gastrectomy is followed by side to side gastro-ileal loop anastomosis. Aim of the Work to compare between Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal Bypass (SASI) and Mini Gastric Bypass (OAGB) in treatment of morbid obesity. Patients and Methods Our study was a prospective randomized comparative study in Ain Shams University hospitals involving 50 patients suffering from morbid obesity and in whom surgical management was indicated. Our patients were randomly divided using closed envelopment method into two groups: Group (1): (25 patients) were treated by laparoscopic SASI. Group (2): (25 patients) were treated by laparoscopic MGB. Results One year after the surgery, there was significant diabetic remission rate and there was improvement of most of obesity-associated metabolic parameters Conclusion Our study suggests that both SASI and MGB are highly effective in controlling diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

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