
Induction of delivery using medication can be performed by stimulating uterine contractility for establishing delivery prior to the start of spontaneous labor. Two most common ecbolic are Oxytocin and prostaglandins analogues (PGs) e.g. misoprostol. The study aims to compare between the effects of oxytocin & misoprostol in ripening of the cervix and induction of delivery in postdate pregnancy. Results show that the induction delivery period mean was significantly higher when using misoprostol than when using oxytocin. No significantly different results between the both groups regarding uterine hyperstimulation. No significantly different results between the both groups regarding postpartum hemorrhage. No significantly different results between the both groups regarding the mode of delivery. No significantly different results between the both groups regarding Cesarean section indication. No significantly different results between the both groups regarding the mean of Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes. No significantly different results between the both groups regarding meconium aspiration. No significantly different results between the both groups regarding emergency Cesarean section rate due to fetal distress (pathological fetal heart rates) between the two groups. There was no significant difference between the two groups as regards the neonatal admission to the intensive care unit (N.I.C.U). It is concluded that Usage of both IV oxytocin 5 mIU/minute & vaginal misoprostol 25 µg is safe to induce delivery. It is preferable to use IV oxytocin 5 mIU/minute if the time factor is considered.
 Keywords: oxytocin, prostaglandin, induction of delivery, postdate pregnancy


  • Induction of delivery means stimulating uterine contractility via iatrogenic to establish delivery before the start of spontaneous delivery

  • As soon as induction passes to active labor, the progress must be compared to the corresponding progress in during spontaneous active labor

  • Group (A): 40 women that were subdivided into 1) Primigravida, 20 women and 2) Multigravida, 20 women, All patients received oxytocin infusion in 500 ml of 5% dextrose starting with 5 mIU/minute, the infusion rate was increased every 45 minutes by 5 mIU/minute if no satisfactory contractions was achieved i.e. 3 contractions in 10 minutes, the maximum infusion rate was 40 mIU/minute

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Induction of delivery means stimulating uterine contractility via iatrogenic to establish delivery before the start of spontaneous delivery. One famous indication for induction of delivery is postdate pregnancy with a gestational age proceeding 40 weeks. The value of that induction is the reduction of the probable perinatal mortality. (Galal, 2012) The goal is to decrease the number of CS operations done for failure of induction in ladies who show slow progress as they remain in the latent phase of delivery. As soon as induction passes to active labor, the progress must be compared to the corresponding progress in during spontaneous active labor. Induction of delivery using medication involves stimulating uterine contractility for production of delivery before the start of spontaneous delivery. Two most common ecbolic are Oxytocin and prostaglandins analogues (PGs) e.g. misoprostol. Two most common ecbolic are Oxytocin and prostaglandins analogues (PGs) e.g. misoprostol. (Kramer, 1997)

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