
High virulent RH strain and the lower virulent Beverley strain of Toxoplasma gondii were used in this experiment. RH strain kills all the mice inoculated within a week while Beverley strain often produces chronic infections in mice producing cysts in their brains.1) When Beverley strain was inoculated into mice, proliferative forms first appear in the abdominal cavity 3 or 4 days after inoculation and the highest population was usually attained 7-11 days after inoculation. These proliferative forms diminished in number gradually thereafter. The longest duration of the presence was 18 days in one case. No essential difference was recognized between the normal and splenectomized mice in the period of appearance of the proliferative forms in the peritoneal fluid.2) Shape and size of these proliferative forms showed no essential difference with those of the typical RH strain, only the breadth of the former being a little larger than the latter.3) After the disappearance of the proliferative forms from the peritoneal fluid by the direct microscopical examinations, the peritoneal fluid of these mice was drawn repeatedly with different intervals and inoculated into clean mice. By these animal inoculations the peritoneal fluid proved to be infective until 33 days after inoculation. In one exceptional case the fluid drawn 78 days after inoculation produced cysts in mice inoculated. After the disappearance of the typical proliferative forms from these peritoneal fluid, smaller Toxoplasma-like bodies were often found by the microscopical examination. These small bodies may be the agent which produced infection in mice inoculated.4) Mice inoculated with RH strain of Toxoplasma were treated with pyridazine (3-Sulfanilamido-6-methoxypyridazine). Survival period of these mice was prolonged: 38 of 142 mice survived up to 3 weeks or more after inoculation. Proliferative forms appeared in the peritoneal fluid 2 days after inoculation and disappeared mostly within 11 days, with an exceptional case in which they were first seen on the 11th day and disappeared on the 15th day.5) These proliferative forms found in the pyridazine-treated mice were much larger in breadth than the normal proliferative forms of the same strain.6) Mice which survived the RH infection for more than 20 days were examined for the presence of cyst. Among 26 of these mice 13 were found to have had cysts in their brains. Brain emulsions of these mice, regardless whether they were positive or negative of cysts by the microscopical exami-nations, all produced acute infections when inoculated into clean mice. All of these mice succumbed to the acute infection.

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