
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of tramadol, pentazocine lactate and meloxicam as pre- emptive analgesics in dogs premedicated with glycopyrrolate, inducted with propofol and maintained with propofol continuous rate infusion (CRI) for certain haematological and biochemical parameters. The animals were randomly divided into three equal groups,viz. Group-T, Group-P and Group-M comprising six animals in each group and all the animals were premedicated with glycopyrrolate. After 10 min of pre-anaesthetic administration, pre-emptive analgesia was given. Blood was collected from cephalic or saphenous vein at intervals 0 (baseline) min before premedication, thereafter at 10 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h and 3 h after pre-emptive analgesic administration and haemato- biochemical parameters were recorded. Hb, PCV and TEC were significantly decreased at 30 min and 1 h interval in all the three groups. TLC and glucose concentration were significantly higher in group-M as compared to group-T and group-P at different time intervals. GGT level increased significantly at 30 min in all the three groups. CRP concentration was significantly higher in group-M as compared to group-T. Total protein was significantly decreased at 1 h interval in group-T and group-P, but in group-M such finding was noticed at 2 h interval. Cortisol was significantly lower in group-T in entire study period. The alterations in physiological and haematological parameters caused by tramadol, pentazocine lactate and meloxicam were found to be minimal and within the physiological limits. Tramadol produced less significant rise in CRP and cortisol concentrations which indicated better pain management. Based on the findings of the present study, it is concluded that tramadol is more effective as compared to pentazocine lactate and meloxicam in the management of post-operative pain due to canine ovariohysterectomy.

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