
A comparative analysis has been carried out of the time course and range of dark adaptation in the compound eyes of some common butterflies and noctuid moths (Lepidoptera). The change in sensitivity of the eye during dark adaptation was determined by measurements of the intensity of illumination necessary to elicit an electrical response of a given magnitude of the eye. It was found that the curve for dark adaptation in the diurnal species was smooth. The range of adaptive change varied in different species but usually did not cover more than 1 to 1.5 log units. In the nocturnal species the dark adaptation was found to proceed in two phases. The first phase was usually completed in less than 10 minutes and covered a range of 1 to 1.5 log units. The second phase was more prolonged and covered a range of 2 to 3 log units. In some of the experiments on nocturnal species the second phase failed to appear. Measurements of the size of the response at different intensities showed that the intensity/amplitude relationship was the same in the light-adapted eye as in the dark-adapted eye. In the nocturnal insects the response of the eye in the light-adapted condition was about 20 per cent of that in the dark-adapted eye, while in diurnal insects it was about 60 per cent.

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