
This is comparative study of Punica granatum and Punica protopunica was undertaken by acquiring the standardization parameters and phytochemical screening. Different types of parameters have been employed for the standardization and phytochemical investigation of Punica granatum and Punica protopunica like macroscopic, microscopic, TLC, ash values, extractive value (cold maceration, successive extraction), water content (loss on drying, Karl Fischer analysis), foaming index, microbial reading, fluorescence analysis, determination of ph value, phytochemical screening. Dried plant material was subjected: Cold maceration, microscopic characters (histochemical test, micrometry), successive extraction of root-1 and root-2 was done according to WHO guidelines [1]. Successive extractive value was done in solvents with increasing polarity like petroleum ether (root10.66%, root21.00%), benzene (root11.25%, root22.33%), chloroform (root11.33%, root21.12%), ethyl acetate (root11.33%, root25.66%), and methanol (root16.23%, root27.33%) respectively. The phytochemical investigation pointed out the presence of alkaloid and organic acids, triterpenoids, tannins, and carbohydrates [2]. These parameters, which can be utilized for quick identification of the Punica granatum and Punica protopunica, are particularly useful in the case powdered material.

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