
Abstract: The anomalodesmatan family Laternulidae represents a group of bivalves with a very few well-known taxa and many more poorly known taxa. Laternula rostrata (G. B. Sowerby, 1839) and L. anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) occur in close proximity to each other in and along the margins of mangroves of Kungkrabaen Bay, Thailand. Laternula rostrata resides in soft to sandy sediments often within the interstices of mangrove roots located in more open portions of the mangrove mud flat. Laternula anatina lives deeper in the mangrove in more protected environs. Laternula anatina is a smaller bivalve that has a variable shell outline, sometimes a wrinkled shell appearance, thicker periostracum, and frequently extensive umbonal erosion. Both species have high concentrations of external shell spinules anteriorly and closer to the umbos (i.e., in juvenile shell) reflecting functionality in retaining an infaunal position. The larger L. rostrata is thinner shelled and more fragile; has more distinct and longer shell spin...

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